
Oh sweet blog, how I have missed thee. Life has been particulary stressful to me lately. For me stress usually boils down to two things:

1. Anything that veers from my daily routine or schedule, especially the part of my daily routine where I sleep in my own bed.

2. Any lack of harmony, or unrest between people.

Regarding the first in my list, I had an out of town teaching conference on Monday and Tuesday. It was rather fun because it was in the city, Columbus, where my husband and I used to live. We stayed in a hotel, and ate and drank at all of our favorite places. One of the highlights was the pot roast sandwich at a place called TipTop in downtown Columbus. It’s served on a pretzel roll. The place is a bar, and not a place you would expect to find the world’s best pot roast sandwich. And their tap list is quite awesome.

And then this past weekend I went out of town to Cincinnati for my mom’s 60th birthday family fun weekend. We had a blast hanging out together, and I especially enjoyed all of the time with my six year old niece, the protagonist in all of my families adventures.

So, by Sunday I was beat. But, I got to sleep in my own bed.

On top of that, I had some pending parent teacher conferences with some parents that were not thrilled with a few things and that always stresses me out until I can resolve it. This is the major stressor of my job for me. I worry and worry about pleasing parents, and when they aren’t pleased it totally stresses me out. *This is the #2 part of my stress.*

So, when my girlfriends suggested dinner tonight, I jumped at the chance. Nothing destresses me more than my girlfriends, and my guy friends. I seriously hit the friend lottery in life. I have so many lovely people in my life that are so good to me that I can’t even count them. I have a bff who is also a Catholic School teacher who I call every day about life’s daily foibles, such as why our husbands didn’t clean the kitchen or vacuum the living room. I have a friend who walks with me every morning at 5:30! I have the friend I call when I need reassurance. I have the friend I talk to when I need to feel good about myself. I have the friend I talk to when I need help. I have the friend I call when I need to feel funny. I have the friend I text or email when I want to talk to somebody funny. I have friends who I talk to once or twice a year, and some I talked to and see several times a month. I have a bff with whom I share this blog, and so many of lifes curveballs and fun times. I have friends to whom I am the godparent of their children, and I have the friends to whom I am the close family friend they call Aunt Beth. (or Aunt Pretty, but that’s a story for another day.)

Friendships aren’t always easy, and they require accepting other people’s faults, and shortcomings, as well as all of their wonderful qualities. They are also like all relationships in that they require effort. But, they are so rewarding in so many ways. And one of the best parts is that you get somebody who accepts YOU for your faults and shortcomings as well as your wonderful qualities.

I know this entry is pretty cliche sounding, but if you knew my friends, you would know that they are so much more than a cliche.

They are the great loves of my life.*

-Beth WA

*Quote stolen from Sex and the City & Oprah Winfrey

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4 Responses to Friendship.

  1. Beth WA's mom says:

    Just to let you know you are my best friend and daughter and I have learned so much about life from you.

  2. Liza Manelli says:

    I love my friend….you are the best!

  3. Elastamom says:

    This is a great post! I love my friends too…and know you have at least 2 wonderful friends b/c I share them! 🙂

  4. the2beths says:

    You are so right, Elastamom!!

    Love you, too, LIZA!!!

    Mom, THANKS!

    -Beth WA

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